GB / T 12496.1-1999 wooden activated carbon -- Determination of apparent density

Column:Testing standard Time:2018-10-09

1. principle

The specific gravity of the activated carbon is expressed by the mass g of the tightly packed activated carbon in a 100ml measuring cylinder.

2. steps

A. instrument

① Measuring cylinder, 100ml;

② Balance, sensitivity 0.01g;

③ Rubber hammer.

b. Operation method

① Weigh the mass M1 of 100ml empty measuring cylinder;

② Put the sample into the 100ml measuring cylinder gently, tap the bottom of the measuring cylinder gently with a rubber hammer, add the sample again and continue to knock (it is generally added in 5 times, 20ml each time), until the volume of the sample is exactly 100ml without any reduction, and call its mass m2.

C. Result calculation

ρ= (m2 -m1)-(m2 -m1)×w%/100


ρ - specific gravity of activated carbon, g / ml;

M1 -- total mass of measuring cylinder, G;

M2 -- total mass of measuring cylinder and activated carbon, G;

W% - water content of activated carbon.