MSD material safety data sheet

Column:MSD Time:2018-10-09

Product: activated carbon

Chemical name: activated carbon

Application: desulfurization, water treatment, catering industry, catalyst, air purification, printing and dyeing and pollution control.

Appearance and smell: black granular or powdery, tasteless.

Ingredients: 100% activated carbon.

Hazard identification:

Eyes: activated carbon is a non corrosive substance. If there is an accident, it should be treated as a general granular foreign body, which may cause slight pain in human body.

Skin: activated carbon is a non corrosive substance, which will not cause skin discomfort. Only when the particles are rubbed, it will cause mild skin pain.

Inhalation: due to the dryness and friction of inhaled carbon particles, it may cause slight pain in the respiratory tract.


Experience tells us that wet activated carbon will absorb oxygen quickly, which will cause hypoxia in the surrounding environment. We recommend that the idle filter should be covered with water. When the operator enters the space with activated carbon, relevant safety precautions should be taken. As the expired activated carbon will show the characteristics of adsorbed substances, operators should also have relevant safety precautions for the substances adsorbed by the activated carbon when handling the expired activated carbon.

First aid measures:

Eyes: wash with plenty of water. If there is pain, see a doctor in time.

Skin: wash off with soapy water. If you have pain, see a doctor in time.

Ingestion: drink one or two cups of clear water, if the gastrointestinal discomfort is aggravated, see a doctor in time.

Inhalation: breathe fresh air. If you have coughing or breathing discomfort, see a doctor in time.

Yard operation and personal protection

Technical requirements: it is recommended to install local ventilation device for yard operation, which shall be specially designed to meet relevant yard requirements.

Eye protection: it is required to have side glasses during operation. In case of large dust, it is required to have dust-proof goggles and eye punching equipment.

Skin protection: to avoid the contact between the activated carbon and the skin, it is necessary to equip the corresponding dust-proof clothing, and have cleaning measures for the corresponding protective equipment before reuse. Clean skin thoroughly after work.

Respiratory protection: it is recommended to use the respiratory mask required by the mine safety and health administration, and consult the manufacturer of the respiratory mask to select the appropriate mask. If the operation condition of the storage yard cannot be controlled, pay attention to the applicable restrictions of the breathing mask.

Accidental release disposal:

In case of leakage, the leakage shall be cleaned to prevent carbon dust from mixing into the air. During operation, relevant industrial hygiene regulations shall be followed. Attention shall be paid to the cleaning of eyes, skin and protective clothing.

Disposal method: unused activated carbon collected can be put into relevant containers and treated as non hazardous waste. Dispose of collected used activated carbon according to relevant regulations.

Packaging treatment: the empty bags filled with carbon can not be reused, and can be put into relevant containers to be treated as non hazardous waste.

Operation and storage:

Storage temperature: normal temperature

Storage pressure

Operation: the actual operation of the activated carbon shall follow the relevant warehousing practices to reduce leakage, floating dust and bulk at the operation site. Sufficient ventilation shall be provided to reduce the floating dust in the operation area. Operators are advised to wear breathing masks, gloves and protective clothing. Clean your skin with soapy water after work.

Storage: put it in a dry and airtight container, follow the relevant storage regulations, and keep away from oxidants, such as ozone, liquid oxygen, chlorine, permanganate, etc.

Fire protection measures:

General danger: it is difficult to ignite the activated carbon, which will only smolder. There is no smoke or flame when burning, but toxic gas will be produced.

Fire extinguishing instructions: if there is no danger, move the activated carbon to a safe area, preferably outdoors. Use water mist, water gun, carbon dioxide or foam to put out the fire. Keep away from smoke and dust when putting out the fire.

Fire fighting equipment: fire fighters shall be equipped with breathing and eye protection equipment, and self breathing equipment shall be equipped outdoors or in case of fire.

Stability and taboos:

Stability: experience tells us that the activated carbon is stable under the designated storage, shipping and use conditions.

Taboo: contact with strong oxides, such as ozone, liquid oxygen, chlorine, permanganate, etc.: can cause intense combustion.

Do not contact with strong acids.

Hazardous decomposition products: carbon oxygen compounds.

Toxicity data:

Activated carbon is non-toxic.

Ecological data:

In the initial state, the activated carbon is harmless to the environment.

Precautions for use:

In the initial state, the activated carbon is non-toxic, which is applicable to the national regulations on waste management.

According to different uses, waste activated carbon is divided into different grades of harmful substances. Relevant disposal regulations shall be followed.