Types and preparation of granular activated carbon Xinhui

Column:Industry information Time:2019-10-28

According to the shape, activated carbon can be divided into columnar activated carbon, granular activated carbon, powder activated carbon and honeycomb activated carbon. Granular activated carbon can be divided into two kinds: columnar broken activated carbon and raw coal broken activated carbon.


Granular activated carbon is carbonized and activated in the process of production. Carbonization is mainly to remove the volatile and tar in the activated carbon by high temperature combustion, so that it can form a secondary pore structure and give the strength to withstand activation. The quality of the activated carbon is directly affected by the carbonization results.

Activation is the oxidation of carbon by gas, which makes the surface of carbonized products eroded and the pore structure of carbonized products more developed. Activation is the key step in the production of activated carbon, which will determine the parameters of iodine value, methylene blue, pore size distribution, strength and so on.


The column broken activated carbon is made from the column broken activated carbon and sieved according to the particle size. Raw coal crushed granular activated carbon requires low ash content, good thermal stability and porosity for raw coal for production. The raw coal crushed granular activated carbon of activated carbon uses anthracite from Datong, Shanxi Province as raw material, with stable coal quality. The production and processing process of raw coal crushing granular activated carbon is: raw coal crushing carbonization activation screening packaging finished product.
