What is the treatment effect of activated carbon in waste gas treatment?

Column:Industry information Time:2019-10-30

At present, there are many ways of industrial waste gas treatment. In many printing enterprises and small paint spraying workshops, activated carbon will be used to adsorb organic waste gas. However, in most enterprises, two or more combined processes, such as low temperature plasma technology, UV photocatalytic oxidation technology and activated carbon adsorption technology, are used to treat organic waste gas.


The treatment of industrial waste gas depends on the concentration and adsorbate of waste gas. The wood activated carbon adsorption method is suitable for the treatment of low concentration organic waste gas at room temperature. The special activated carbon for VOCs treatment of mesoporous activated carbon independently developed by Xinhui activated carbon factory is a kind of wooden activated carbon specially for the treatment of organic waste gas. The pore size distribution not only ensures the relative number of micropores, but also increases the proportion of mesopores, improves the adsorption performance of activated carbon, increases the working capacity and treatment effect.

The effective treatment of industrial waste gas will play a great role in improving the atmospheric environment. In order to win the blue sky defense war, every production enterprise should consciously pay attention to environmental protection issues, achieve the emission of up to standard or even ultra-low emissions, and achieve clean production.