Application prospect of powdered activated carbon

Column:Industry information Time:2019-11-11

There are many technologies for industrial wastewater treatment. Many textile printing and dyeing factories and electroplating enterprises will use powdered activated carbon as adsorbent for advanced wastewater treatment to treat the wastewater produced in the production process. At present, granular activated carbon and powdered activated carbon are mainly used in water treatment.

In wastewater treatment, powdered activated carbon is used for intermittent adsorption, that is, according to a certain proportion, powdered activated carbon is put into industrial wastewater, mixed evenly, and carbon and water are separated by sedimentation or filtration, which is also called static adsorption. There are many substances that can be adsorbed by activated carbon, including organic or inorganic, ionic or non-ionic, which also have a good adsorption effect on some heavy metal compounds.

Powdered activated carbon can be used to diffuse large-scale pollution events, such as algal blooms and industrial waste or oil spills, which will pollute municipal water sources. In addition, the powder activated carbon can also be added to the clarification process unit to remove pollutants. In addition, it can also protect the fixed activated granular carbon bed from sudden water pollution.

If the treatment plant lacks the infrastructure based on granular activated carbon, or the filter does not have enough granular activated carbon in a certain period of time to deal with some accidental pollution events, the use of powdered activated carbon is a more economic alternative. The disposable powdered activated carbon can deal with the pollution in batches and reduce the pollution to a specific acceptable maximum pollution levels (MCL), but not necessarily zero pollution or below the detection threshold.


It should be noted that different industrial activated carbon manufacturers have different methods of preparing activated carbon and different adsorption effects of physical and chemical indicators. Enterprises need to choose different powdered activated carbon according to the concentration and composition of wastewater, and use it in combination with other wastewater treatment technologies to achieve good results.

With people's attention to water resources and the gradual improvement of water quality requirements, both industrial wastewater treatment activated carbon and civil water purification activated carbon will play a greater role and have a better development prospect.